Western Crusades Again
The following press statement by former Malaysian Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad is one the most well-argued condemnations of the hanging of former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein. Dr Mahathir noted what most Western and even Asian observers failed to notice -- Saddam was hanged on a holy day in the Muslim calendar.
And as pointed out by Dr Mahathir, the inaction thus far by the International Criminal Court against Bush, Blair and Howard exposes the double standard of the said Court, when it does not hesitate to prosecute war crimes committed in Dalfur, Rwanda and Kosovo.
The Western agenda and action in the Saddam hanging clearly reflect a continuation of its crusades.BY TUN DR. MAHATHIR MOHAMAD
The Barbaric Lynching of President Saddam Hussein
On the Holy day of Eid, the world watched in horror at the barbaric lynching of President Saddam Hussein of Iraq, allegedly for crimes against humanity. This public murder was sanctioned by the War Criminals, President Bush and Prime Minister Blair.
This sadistic act broadcasted to the whole world is a travesty of justice, and was meant to demonstrate the imperial power of the United States and serves as a warning to peace loving peoples that we must either bow to the dictates of the Bush regime or face the consequences of a public lynching.
The lynching was also an insult to all Muslims, as it occurred on the Holy Day of Eid, whereby Muslims devote themselves to prayer and forgiveness. It is all too clear that the war criminal Bush has no sensitivities whatsoever for Muslims on their pilgrimage to Mecca. This barbaric act is a sacrilege!
The entire trial process was a mockery of justice, no less a Kangaroo Court. Defence counsels were brutally murdered, witnesses threatened and judges removed for being impartial and replaced by puppet judges. Yet, we are told that Iraq was invaded to promote democracy, freedom and justice.
A peaceful country has now been turned into a war zone. Over 500,000 children died as a result of the criminal economic sanctions, and the latest findings by the medical journal, Lancet reveals that over 650,000 Iraqis have died since the illegal invasion of 2003.
The War Criminal Bush has killed more Iraqis than President Saddam ever did, if in fact he was guilty of any crime. If President Saddam Hussein is guilty of war crimes, then the world must find Bush, Blair and Howard equally guilty and the International Criminal Court cannot but prosecute these war criminals. The inaction thus far by the International Criminal Court against Bush, Blair and Howard exposes the double standard of the said Court, when it does not hesitate to prosecute war crimes committed in Dalfur, Rwanda and Kosovo.
If we support human rights and justice, we must condemn this barbaric lynching of President Saddam Hussein. There can be no excuse whatsoever for this injustice under any circumstances. War Criminal Bush and the puppet regime in Iraq have made a mockery of the Rule of Law.
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad
Member of the International Committee
For the Defence of President Saddam Hussein
30th December 2006
Note: Pix and press statement sourced via Screenshots
It is for exactly this kind of reason that US Congress will never ever endorse the ICC which as a result is not recognised by the ironically so called law abiding America! Otherwise, Nixon, Kennedy, Reagan etc etc all will be sitting the Hague too.
sophie, i read an interesting opinion column in SCMP and wonder whether it's true. the writer says that Saddam was rushed to hang for the comparatively unknown Dujail killing of 120 people instead of the terrifying biochemical killings of the Kurdish and Shiites that he should have been held to account for, because the Dujail 1980s incident is the only one Saddam did on his own without US support !! if true, sophie, this is a wicked world we live in... can you verify for me the conspiracy theory, sophie?
Nice blog. Wish you a Great New Year from me in Kuala Lumpur.
tks din. wats ur blog?
that rat bastard got off easy alot of the victoms he left behind are still suffering while he is at rest. sometimes there punishment does not fit the crime and i think its true in this case.
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